
A New Lobby for a New World

Posted April 24, 2014

330 Hudson-11

The LED installation at 330 Hudson Street in Manhattan is the first in a series of projects ESI Design is creating for Beacon Capital Partners. Working to enliven Beacon properties with up-to-date experiences, ESI developed a concept based on generative data visualization and rich imagery and graphics.

The result is a room wrapped in a high resolution band that creates an inviting and welcoming pull into the buildings center and highlights the building’s location, energy usage, and adds atmosphere to an otherwise lifeless space.

Watch this video of 330 Hudson to view the dynamic media in real time.

Generative data, drawn from local and worldwide weather and building energy use, is displayed across the nine large displays. The media responds to the weather state — showing snow when it’s snowing, sun when it’s clear — and is updated to the most current forecast throughout the day.

Brilliant graphics and imagery add two other types of experience to the lobby. The neutral graphic themes give varied atmosphere to the space. The color and brightness of this media corresponds to the time of day. A bright palette will be displayed during the day. A cooler blue will fill the space at night. This change is both an environmental awareness and an environmental creation.

Custom photography, captured in the neighborhood of the people around 330, introduces local references and knowledge to the lobby. Street portraits, time-lapse footage shot on the roof of the building, and borough specific sequences crown the variety of media.

The lobby at 330 Hudson is unlike any other entry experience in the city. The installation pays homage to iconic and daily parts of the city while informing tenants about the building and their world. It is an active place will evolve as the building is used.

Ian Lewis Campbell

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